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Title I am pleasantly surprised
Posted by milks**** (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2016-09-08
  • Recommend Recommend
  • View 180

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Age: 18
Skin-Type: combination
Skin Concern: Texture, dark spots, enlarged pored
Skintone: Dark

I am a chronic sufferer of roughly-textured with dry patches, and occasional hormonal breakout.s For the longest time, I convinced myself that my skin was "normal", but it seems to have veered towards the combination/sensitive realm. (which I could understand since my skin was sensitized due to makeup, environment, general stimulants etc.) I decided to purchase this "AC" cleanser for certain reasons:
 - since 'washing' the skin tends to remove sebum and other acne-causing congestants, I expected the face wash to not only be gentle, but effective
- the price is very affordable

Product usage:
The product is dispensed through a typical soft tube, and the way the product comes out is through tiny ribbons (now I don't know if that's significant to the performance), but one thing to note is that the nozzle seems to be vacuum sealed (more hygienic) considering that there is some medical ingredients in this face wash.

So far I have been using this cleanser for almost 2 weeks (this is the only variable that has changed in my skincare routine), and I can honestly say that it has made a significant difference in the overall texture and feel of my skin. The right side of my face is where I suffered the most injustice (blotchy skin, enlarged pores), and I have notices a dramatic change. When I touch my skin, i don't feel any of the dry patches, nor do I feel any sorts of blemishes or breakouts (I don't factor hormonal breakouts). Overall, I can say so far so goo, I haven't ran into any major cons/problems and I think that this is great, affordable lesser-known face-wash.
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  • Beautynetkorea Korean cosmetic 2016-09-09 5points
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