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Title a great product
Posted by shuny**** (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2019-03-16
  • Recommend Recommend
  • View 236


- The tube design is a disaster for a liquid product like this, the product leaks everywhere and you either get too little or too much and you have to think in which position you keep the tube all the time
- Cooling feeling it leaves on the face is not that nice during winter when it's already zero or under celsius

- Sadly, this sunscreen pills under my make-up products...

- Because it's liquid it's kinda difficult to guess how much I should use it and if it's covering every part of my face equally

+ Wow, very minimal white cast despite it being physical sunscreen! Looks almost like bare skin (doesn't hide imperfections or correct skin tone)

+ This is the first sunscreen I actually felt like I was able reapply during the day because it's so light (if I didn't have make up/light make up, that is)

+ It's called "watery sun cream" but let's be honest, its consistency is like water, like a serum, no where near cream: it's easy and fast to spread to face and it dries fast

+ Smell is not the most pleasant, weird plastic herbal, but so much better than perfume fragrance so I prefer this very much

+ Leaves a cooling feeling to your face for maybe an hour or two, very weird but nice during summer

* Not sure if this sunscreen is breaking me out... I have come to the conclusion that all physical sunscreens I've tried clog my pores noticeably, but they do not cause irritation. Chemical sunscreen filters I've tried cause me interesting problems varying from redness to cystic acne to bumps so far but I haven't tried many sunscreens so it's all just speculation.
* This is not as moisturizing as the other physical sunscreens I've tried, but it doesn't make my skin dry either.
* Overall verdict: quite a pleasant product for summer! EDIT: This sunscreen uses only Titanium Dioxide as a filter. So maybe it should be only a winter product.


Attachment Innisfree_Blueberry_Watery_Sun_Cream_2.jpg , Innisfree_Blueberry_Watery_Sun_Cream_4.jpg
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  • Beautynetkorea Korean cosmetic 2019-03-22 3points
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