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Title Potent and Long Lasting
Posted by cnhaw**** (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2020-01-07
  • Recommend Recommend
  • View 269

I've been using this product for almost 2 years and it has become an absolute staple for me.
I use it mornings and nights and because of its viscous texture, a little bit goes a long way.
I initially purchased to replace another popular rose based toner, but this won me over.
The bottle is far less heavy so the price of shipping isn't unnecessarily increased.
It's fast absorbing and very potent upon initial use, and might give off an intense stinging feeling momentarily (if you're skin is currently sensitive).

One of it's winning qualities is the fact that despite directions indicating to use it right after cleansing, it can still do it's job if it's pair after a thin toner.
I personally don't like wasting this product on a cotton pad, so I swipe a thin layer of another toner over my skin with a cotton pad first to remove any remnants and
help this do it's job better, and it's thicker texture still soaks right in and does its job of prepping the skin for the rest of my routine.

Despite being thick in texture, it melts into the skin like other watery versions advertising the same effects.

It's exfoliating properties are noticeable but not so intense as to put of sensitive skin types. However, retinol users (differein/retin a micro) should definitely apply a buffer
between this product (serums, essences, oils, toners) and retinol. They do work well together when not piled directly over the other.

It is effective at gently and slowly reducing the appearances of hyper-pigmentation. Which means this is dark/brown skin friendly.
It manages to handle dark spots without bleaching the rest of the skin which is important if you are a melanin-infused individual.
Not once has this product ever contributed to a breakout but has actively helped to reduce and prevent them while provided light moisture.

Fragrance- free ensures that it's sensitive skin friendly and with a comprehensive ingredients list you can actively see if there are any particular
ingredients that personally effect your skin.

Works well with a plethora of skincare. I can add an extra step or remove one and this will always behave and do it's job.

This product singlehandedly keeps me coming back to this website to place shipment after shipment.

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  • Beautynetkorea Korean cosmetic 2020-01-10 3points
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